
Monthly Archives: May 2012

I don’t know what the temperature is like where you are, dear reader, but here (and, as it happens, in the places I’ve traveled in the last week) it is SWELTERING. I know it’s almost summer, but I thought we’d get at least a little more spring! Not that I’m complaining, exactly…also not trying to start every post off talking about the weather. Let’s try again.

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Hello, foodies, lovers & friends. I know I haven’t been super regular about posting of late. It’s the end of the semester, I’ve been out of town (seems like all I do is travel!), and I’m preparing to go on tour with an amazing band. I’ve also been going to the gym semi-regularly (my new year’s resolution had a bit of a delayed start) and obsessing over the Hunger Games audiobooks, so, uh, I haven’t had time to post. It’s hard to focus on cooking when all the muscles you haven’t flexed since high school basketball have gone soft, and you’re listening to young people fighting for their lives in the jungle! Heavy times!

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